Watch a pre-recorded livestream from the October 1 Open House at Kyle City Hall. Use the timestamps below the video to go directly to a topic or question. Have a question that’s not answered here or in our FAQs? Ask it here.
Timestamps for Oct. 1 Road Bond Open House
[0:15] Introduction by Moderator
[3:58] Overview of Bond Package
[9:11] How were the costs prepared and decided?
[12:23] Do these plans include other ways people can move around the city (Bikeways, sidewalks, etc.)?
[13:32] How does this project get paid for? What is a bond?
[15:11] What will the tax increase be?
[16:12] What are the city’s growth projections for the next few years?
[16:43] Has inflation been taken into consideration when creating cost estimates?
[18:43] How does phasing effect the cost and the financing?
[20:42] How does growth effect the police force and the services they provide?
[23:50] Discussion about limited access to Seton Hospital
[26:38] Why are the new businesses being given tax breaks?
[28:32] Do businesses help pay for the bonds or is it strictly homeowners?
[29:47] How do property taxes work for the tax base of the city?
[31:13] Is there an intention of reducing this tax rate once the roads are paid off?
[32:33] How are right-of-way estimates made?
[33:39] Does the city try to get the costs for the right-of-ways donated?
[35:43] Was growth the reason the city was able to bring lower tax impact for past projects?
[38:07] Are these projects all starting at the same time and will they really last 10 years?
[40:17] What is the city using the tax revenues that have come from the incredible growth of Kyle?
[42:57] If growth is straining our roads, why doesn’t council stop any new subdivisions from coming in?
[44:40] Are there any plans for green space in Kyle?
[47:07] As these roads are put in, is the city and engineers going to be coordinating with other departments? If so, will the public get opportunities to comment?
[49:50] What projects are coming on residential and commercial sides?
[51:38] What happens if these bonds don’t pass?
[53:54] Why was FM 150 on the East side not included in the package?
[55:54] Are there other bonds that are likely to come up in the near future that also might affect the tax rate?
[57:22] Where can people see more detailed engineering plans?
[58:13] Final comments from the panel